Covid-19 confinement – Probably the right time to consider your CRM – Part 6

Compliance with data protection laws

Now, more and more countries are defining data protection laws, for example GDPR in Europe, PIPEDA, PIPA and Quebec Privacy Act in Canada, and a complex patchwork of Privacy Laws in US.

With all of them now in effect, your customers’ data and where it’s stored is more important than ever before.

Having a CRM system ready helps you manage customer data more efficiently, having your CRM system provider complant too is an additional guarantee.

For example, if your customer wants to be removed from your database, you need to able to honor their request and send a confirmation of deletion. Or, if your customer requests an electronic report of all data you store on them in your CRM, you’ll need to be able to generate that report for each customer individually.

A one-click solution will save you time and resources, instead of manually removing the customers’ data from multiple sales, marketing and customer service databases, or painstakingly sifting through various resources and double checking what data you store on them and where – all of which way too often leads to human error.

These are just a few examples of the data protection law actions that you must to be able to perform in your CRM solution.

Vincent Soumoy is Quebec Privacy Law compliant and GDPR compliant.

Contact us for any information or pricing.